Adult Volunteers in Scouts BSA 

Can a parent volunteer with your child's Scouts BSA Troop? Or perhaps you have been approached by the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair to get involved. 

The best place to start is to talk to the existing adults in the Troop. Get to know them and they you. 

Roundtables offer continuous training for Scouts BSA Leaders and typically meet once a month in your district. For times consult your district page.

Position specific and advanced training are offered on a regular basis, talk to your district key three for dates and times. 

Much training is available at your account. 

Training for Adult volunteers in Scouts BSA

Click to view the GTC Training Calendar for available face-to-face training.

Changes in the Cub Scout Program starting June 1, 2024, that Scoutmasters must prepare for... 

Scoutmasters: Here are some changes coming to the AOL program starting June 1. 

Webelos 1 and Webelos 2 are gone! 

What does that mean for Scouts BSA Troops?

Take 14 minutes and learn all the details that Scoutmasters need to know about the new changes. 

More details on the new Webelos (4th graders) and AOL (5th graders) programs. Requirements for current Webelos Leaders with 4th graders. 

There are three types of adult volunteers in a typical Scouts BSA troop. 

The resources below are to help you get some idea of each of those sets of responsibilities. 

(1) Merit Badge Counselor

If you have a skill or a hobby there is probably a merit badge for it. So read through the list and see how you can help. You must be a registered leader to be a merit badge counselor, but there is no registration fee if you are a paid volunteer in another position. If you sign up to be only a merit badge counselor, then the fee is $25 per year.

Live National videocast on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. ET. Past episodes recorded and available.

First episode is February 8, 2023

Join us at 2 p.m. Central on the Scouting magazine Facebook page or YouTube channel

(2) Assistant Scoutmaster

These volunteers serve the program side of the Scouts BSA Troop. You must be a registered leader for this position.  

View Scouts BSA "How to" videos on

At the time of this linking there were 191 videos on 

click on the link below.

(3) Member of the Committee