Cub Scout Roundtable LIVE, recorded November 7, 2024

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Streamed live on Nov. 7,  2024 at 7:00 PM 

Our November Cub Roundtable is broadcasted live from the Medina County Sheriff's Office!

We'll have membership moments, a safety moment, a Hot Topic presentation on member and unit renewals, a visit with Sheriff Grice, information on Cub Day Camp and Overnight Camp, Cub Scout Freeze-Outs and Chariot Races, information on AOLs camping with SBSA Troops, and information on training courses both inside and outside our council.

Jump down to the chapters to see specific parts of the live broadcast.


Unit and Membership Renewal steps -

Recruiting Guidance –

Joining Site –  

Online Registration and updating your unit pin:  

Cub Chat Live -

Roundtables –

Calendar – 

Scouting Safety - 

Cub Scout Hayride and Harvest Festival, 5 nights in October

Cub Scout Camping

Cub Scout Summer Planner -


0:00 Enjoy the intro drone footage of our wonderful Camp Manatoc

9:41 Three minute count down to live

Welcome, Opening Ceremony

12:41 Welcome from your host Vinnie Close

13:20 Pledge, Oath and Law by Ryan and Jonathan from Pack 3520

Safety Moment

14:32 Safety Moment: Annual Health and Medical Record (form:

Feature: Visit the Sheriff or invite him to your Pack

17:31 Medina County Sheriff, Terry Grice and the Medina County Exploring Post. 

27:38 All Sheriff's in the Great Trail Council. Your pack could tour the Sheriff's facilities, just reach out to them.

Membership Moment - Get Visible

28:14 Membership Moment. How visible is your Pack in the community?

Get Outdoors: Outdoor Ethics Trail at Camp Manatoc 

30:04 Bigfoot is real! Learn Outdoor Ethics Leave No Trace and hike the Outdoor Ethics Trail at Camp Manatoc.  Start at Red Oak Nature Lodge and earn a Leave No Trace tag for their backpack. (Or inquire at the Administration Building at Camp Manatoc.

Council Program Moment: Unit Renewal

33:52 Council Program Moment: The Unit and Membership Renewal Process training (site:

51:30 Unit Renewal:  district turn in dates for unit renewals.

Winter Activities Indoor and Outdoors! 

53:00 District Program Moment: District Pinewood Derbies and Cub Scout Freeze-Outs (find these on the council calendar or on the Adventure Fee Activity calendar)

AOL to Scouts BSA Transition

56:20 Hot Topic #1 AOL to Scouts BSA Transition training

Activities and Training in other Councils

1:05:45 Hot Topic #2 - How to search for activities or training in other councils (website:

Camping in the Summer - Plan Now

 1:07:18 Plan now for Summer Day Camps (all cubs) and Overnight Camps (Wolves, Bears, Webelos, and AOL)  (website: Make sure your youth get to enjoy our summer camps. 

Cub Scout Chariot Races

1:09:35 Cub Scout Chariot Races are available for all Packs council-wide. Jan 25, 2025.

Quality Time

1:12:06 Closing Video (20 seconds) Quality Time!